

Why am I taking Japanese?

Truth be told, I'm not really sure. I always wanted to go to Japan when I was younger, and I'm a believer that one should know at least rudimentary phrases if one is to be traveling. But I find the language beautiful both when written and when spoken, and I love learning language.

I do like anime and manga, though it is definitely a hobby and not an obsession. But it's something that I would like to experience in its native language, but that's an interest that grew after I started learning Japanese all that long time ago.

I guess I don't know why I'm taking Japanese. Or maybe I'm just taking it because I like it. Probably the latter.


masamune2130 said...

I also like Japanese anime and am a fan of various video games made in Japan. I think learning languages is very useful and important, especially if you have interest in going to another country, so it's good you're taking a Japanese class because of personal interest.
Well, nice to meet you!

くぅ said...


I came here from Dorothy's blog because I was curious about your Japanese name. I'm Japanese and glad to know that there is a person who is interested in our language. Sorry for my bad English...
